Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Julie, Julia et Moi

I watched the movie Julie and Julia the other day. I really enjoyed it. I found it inspiring actually. I wish I could wake up in the middle of the night with an epiphany about what to do that would change my life as the author of the book on which the movie was based did. She said she decided to cook her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and it was going to change her life. It did.

I don't like my current job. I know, I know. I should just be grateful that I have one. It's only part time, and I am thankful for the little extra income it brings in, but still I don't like it. I happen to be firmly of the opinion that one shouldn't persist in doing something one does not like to do. I like the philosophy that says do what you love and the money will follow. Unfortunately, doing what you love doesn't always pay the bills. Still, it's sad that so many people spend so much time doing stuff they don't really enjoy just to earn a living.

I asked myself what I would do if money were no object. Create stuff. I'd be an artist. Not a paint and easel kind of artist, but a crafty kind of artist. I'd design handbags or crochet stuffed animals or design my own fabric. How cool would that be? Maybe, like Julie Powell, the author of the book Julie and Julia, I'll wake up one night and decide to sew my way through my pattern collection and it will change my life. Oh, and I'd have to blog about it 'cause that's what Julie did. Of course then I 'd be a total copycat and who likes a copycat?

I'll find my niche. Inspiration is just around the corner. I know it.

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