Thursday, November 5, 2009

Question of the Day

So, the other day, Little Munchkin (aka Bethany) asked, "Mommy, do you love Satan?"
Of course I answered no. Then she said, "Mommy, doesn't the Bible tells us to love our enemies?"
"Yes, that's right," I replied. I knew where this was heading.
"Well, doesn't that mean we have to love Satan because he's our enemy?"
Hmm, that was a tough one for me. I explained that the "love your enemies" command concerned our earthly enemies and that Satan was our spiritual enemy. My answer sounded shallow, but it was all that came to mind. I told her to ask her daddy and that he could probably give her a better answer.

Bethany, she's a thinker that one.

1 comment:

a suburban housewife said...

And here you are. I didn't know you have been writing all this time!