Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's So Dusty in Here

Hello, Little Blog, it has been a long time hasn't it? I haven't completely forgotten about you despite the evidence to the contrary. Many are the times I think, "I should blog about that," but of course, I don't. Time is an issue. Honestly, when do people have time to work, keep house, Tweet, text, Facebook, parent, blog, etc., etc.? How do they do all of those things and not let something slide? But there's the rub. Something does slide and it's usually not the computery, techno stuff. It's usually the boring, but necessary stuff like housework. At any rate that has been my personal experience. So, though I would love to sit all day and write, write, write, doing so would not get my house clean, my kids disciplined, my dinner cooked and so forth.

But, Little Blog, I will try to visit you occasionally, just to exercise my writing muscles. I may only come once in a blue moon, but that's just because I have a life to live. Don't take it too personally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when you do drop in, it's lovely to"hear your voice."